

Hello, my name is Heather Harvey.

I am a mother of three beautiful children and two beautiful step children. I am a Chek Level 2 Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and Level 5 Master Practitioner of Integrated Movement, Certified through the Chek Institute. The Chek Institute is a world renowned program on developing the most elite professionals in the field of holistic health, fitness and wellness. I am honoured and grateful to be a part of this community.

Health and fitness have always been an important part of my life. From an early age I developed a passion for movement and sports. I played competitive soccer into my early 20’s when a couple of knee injuries, and surgeries put an end to my days on the field. I played every school sport I could, and ran distance races in my spare time. At the age of 15, I got my first taste of the fitness world when I began to go to our local gym with my mom every night. This is where my passion started turning into my purpose.

I went to college for five years at Mount Royal University, graduating with a diploma in Physical Education and a diploma in Child Psychology. Additionally, I received my first certification as a personal trainer, mind-body nutritionist and group exercise instructor.

As I stepped more into the world of health and wellness I knew I wanted to learn even more. I wanted more knowledge and the best skill set possible. After researching the best program to continue developing my skills, I found the Chek Institute. My Journey with the Chek institute is ongoing, certified now as a level 2 practitioner and working towards becoming a master practitioner. The knowledge and skills that I have gained from becoming Chek certified has allowed me to not only change my own health, the health of my family, and it has also allowed me to teach many, many individuals to do the same.

What is a chek practioner?

A Chek (Corrective Holistic Exercise Kinesiology) Practitioner is a highly trained individual who uses a systematic approach to health and wellness.

We are trained to look at the physical body, the mental body, the emotional body and the spiritual body to treat, grow and help all of our clients. Chek Practitioners have a vast understanding of what it takes to create overall wellbeing. We cannot compartmentalize the body into different systems. For example, what is happening with digestion impacts what is happening with the circulatory system, and what is happening with our emotional state of being directly impacts what is happening with our endocrine system.

How we nourish our bodies, how we move, how we rest, how we think, how we breathe and how we hydrate all play an equally important role in our health and wellbeing. What is right for one individual, can be detrimental to another. There is no one size fits all plan to a Chek Practitioner, everyone is different and these differences need to be acknowledged.

So you may be wondering how we do it? 

Well in the Chek community a very well known saying is: If you are not assessing, you are guessing!

Chek professionals are trained in using a very thorough assessment process, including indivudlaly assessing each of the orthopedic, visceral, and limbic systems to get a solid understanding of where dysfunction, disorder, dysregulation, pain or disease is coming from. 

Click HERE to learn more about Chek Practitioners and the Chek Institute.

How can i help you?

The health and wellness, and, sport and performance industries are at the tips of our fingers these days. We are constantly bombarded with new diet fads, new workouts, being told to do this and not that, but we are also the sickest society in the history of mankind. Why is it that we know so much about health and wellness, but we are suffering from so much disease, disorder and dysfunction? It is all about creating the right environment for the body to thrive.

Here are a few of the things that I can help you with when we work together:

  • Women’s health and hormonal balance

  • Gut and digestive health

  • Autoimmune disorders

  • Nutrition support for your optimal health

  • Chronic pain, injury rehabilitation and prevention

  • Prenatal and post-natal health and wellbeing

  • Cancer

  • Weight loss

  • Skin Health

  • Life coaching in career, relationships, and goal development

  • Sport performance

  • Beginner introduction to strength training

If you are looking for a personalized plan to help you work through these things, please don’t hesitate to book a FREE consultation with me below.