
Whether you are feeling lost as to where to start, or you are looking to optimize your health, success in business, life or relationships - my packages and services can help you get there.


This is where I learn about you, your struggles and discuss a path for moving forward. This also gives you the opportunity to ask me any questions about what I do, how I do it and how it will benefit you. Consultations are completed via phone, online or a 30 minute in-person meeting.

Your first consultation with me is free.


Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

One on one coaching that is tailored to you, your needs and your goals. After your initial consultation, I will develop a plan that is suited to you and your health and wellness goals. Together, we will move through the program over 10 weeks. Each week, you will have a one hour session with myself to discuss your progress, strategies for removing obstacles and intentions for the following week. I will also provide you with guidance and assessments on your holistic health.

This package is a 10 hour package, and assessment for $1550. Payment plans are available



An individual assessment, where we work to rebuild and restore the musculoskeletal system in the body, and bring you back into alignment. In this program, we start with the fundamentals and work towards a regenerating your largest bodily system. This program is ideal for those who are looking to rehabilitate after injury, relieve chronic pain or maximize physical performance.

As part of this package, you would receive an extensive orthopedic assessment, a 10 week personalized program, and weekly one on one studio time with myself.

This is a 10 hour package, plus the assessment for $1,850. Payment Plans are available


Fascial Stretch Therapy & Visceral Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy is a complete full body functional mobility restoration system. As we lose mobility through aging, injury or poor posture, we begin to build calcification, which binds the fascial tissue. This can cause pain, tightness and chronic injury. Fascial Stretch Therapy helps to break down these build ups and create mobility and fluidity throughout the body.

Visceral therapy is a manual therapy the focuses on the organs of the body by moving, detoxing and releasing. There is nothing that will quite reach the areas of the body that these two therapies can when combined.

$100 per treatment.