
  • Anjea Cormier

    I first went to Heather for a shoulder injury. I was hesitant at first but I told her I would do everything she told me to for at least 6 weeks. Not only did my shoulder get better but she also helped me in areas I didn’t know I needed help in!

    I have always known how to eat relatively healthy, however having her help me with not only what to eat but when for my body type made all of the difference. My gut is happier, I have so much more energy and I lost 10 pounds that I didn’t know I needed to lose!

    I refer people to Heather all of the time and I cannot recommend her enough if you want your body to function at it’s absolute best in all areas.

    I’m so happy to be able to pass these habits onto my children as well.

  • Mia Rogg

    I’ve known Heather for almost 9 years. She taught fitness classes in her basement when our kids were younger and I loved her high intensity workouts!

    I always knew Heather had so much knowledge around food and how our bodies work but I never took the dive into fully learning from her. Until February of this year when my binge eating had completely taken over me and I knew it was something I could not face on my own anymore.

    Heather’s name came to mind right away and I knew I needed to message her. From the moment she messaged me back I just knew I needed to learn more about what she could do for me.

    The next 10 weeks turned into this amazing time. I looked forward to each session with her. I learnt so much about nutrient dense food that I was lacking so much of and the different hormonal phases my body goes through each month. She helped me build this beautiful morning routine for myself that has me excited for getting out of bed every day now. She helped me create my dream and taught me about my four doctors and how to really listen to them. She was more than just a coach through all of this for me. She was a friend and mentor that I could text at anytime and receive more than an amazing response.

    I’m so happy I chose Heather to guide me on this journey. I look forward to more time with her in the future. Her knowledge is always expanding and I cannot wait to learn more!

  • Kent Kononoff

    I've known Heather since 2017. I've always had an "active lifestyle" and haven't felt the need for training or coaching. I know quite a few local trainers and all have had very positive things to say about Heather when I mentioned that I'd met her.

    A good family friend went to see Heather with very good success in multiple areas (overall fitness, weight management, health etc). I've had nagging back issues for a number of years that I haven't had success with. I decided I would book 15 sessions with Heather. She was extremely thorough in her assessments, the information she provided and then built and worked through a personalized program for me that worked on the areas I need improvement in.

    Working with Heather has helped resolve my back issues and my overall health / fitness has improved. I would recommend anyone consider working with Heather regardless of your expertise or fitness level.

  • Joy-Lynn Stickel

    Working with Heather, I learned so much about nutrition and holistic wellness. But more than that, I learned to be kind to my body and to listen to what it needs rather than forcing myself to do what I think I should be doing.

    She gently taught me to look at the big picture and how my everyday decisions served that vision.

  • Christina Atkins

    I have been training with Heather since the summer of 2014. From the first consultation, Heather made sure she understood exactly what my intentions and needs were, and created a plan that would help me achieve my goals.

    What started for me as a desire to lose weight quickly turned into more of a lifestyle upgrade, as Heather is very passionate, knowledgeable, and committed to you being the best you could possibly be, always looking at a holistic view that includes wellness of both body and mind.

    Each session with her involves more than a simple workout; there is always some form of education whether it be on nutrition, supplements, movements, and just how miraculous your body is. Also - not only is the focus on correct form, but also on optimal alignment, balance, and posture. Inspiration is another bonus from sessions with Heather - I can’t tell you the number of times in the past 7 years things got hard as they tend to do after a dozen reps or so, and I hear her voice saying “This is where it counts!” to give me that final push to the finish line. And last but not least, there is laughter - there is always fun and laughter.

    Heather always gives you exactly what you and your body needs, and tailors each session to your energy levels so that you never leave her studio feeling depleted, but energized and knowing you accomplished a great thing for your body, mind, and soul.

    I have been witness to Heather’s commitment to continuous learning and improving her knowledge on how to best support and be the best coach for her clients, and I have truly benefited over the years and can honestly say at 52 I am in the best shape of my entire life.

    Thank you for all you do for me, Heather, and for all that you are!