i Thought i was healthy.

I was looking at my health from two aspects: nutrition and fitness.

I ate what I thought was healthy food, and I worked out everyday no matter what. As my education and understanding progressed, so did my own health.  I made changes along the way, but held on to my two pillar approach to health. And then life happened… and a table with only two legs cannot bare a heavy load and breaks when put under pressure.

After 10 years of marriage and three children, I found myself in the midst of a divorce. I was heart broken, I felt the pressure of raising three young kids on my own, building a business, taking care of a home and trying to rebuilt my self esteem, confidence and self acceptance. I felt I had to show no weakness, I had to do it all to prove to myself that I was capable.

My body started screaming…

I neglected sleep, worked long hours, exercised like crazy, and my body started talking.  My hair started thinning, I was always on edge and couldn’t sleep even when I wanted to. I ended up with a labral tear in my hip, which kept my in constant pain, a gut that needed healing, and hormones that needed to be rebalanced.  I looked like I had it all together on the outside, but I was a mess internally.

Sometimes we need a mentor, coach and friend…

The thought of stopping all I was doing didn’t even cross my mind. I needed to keep going to provide for my family, and to prove my worth to myself and everyone around me.  It wasn’t until I was down in California for one of my first Chek certification programs that I realized what I was doing to myself. 

The training was beyond amazing with an equally amazing instructor, I learned how to assess my clients posture, how to correct imbalances in bodies, how to get people out of pain.  I was so excited for this new skillset.  The last day of training, we had to apply our new skills and assess and create a corrective program for a fellow classmate.  When we presented our programs to the class, I was very quick to admit that I would do the program, but that I had no intention in backing off my grueling routine at home. I was stuck in my programming of doing more.  My teacher, who is now one of my mentors, and friend, stopped me in my tracks.  She lovingly, but sternly, told me that if I didn’t stop, if I kept going the way I was, I was going to end up with a hip replacement and completely burnt out. It was her words that broke me, which is exactly where I needed to be to start my healing process.

My health journey was no longer just fitness and nutrition, my health journey transformed into healing myself mentally, emotionally, and physically.

With my mentor’s guidance, and my new knowledge on how to correct imbalances in my own body, I came home humbled and ready to make change.  I had my hip pain gone within eight weeks, and I was finally ready do the work of looking at the whole picture. I had to heal my gut, fix my sleep, heal emotionally and take time for rest, introspection, and time to realize that sometimes less is more.

I had to start to practice a 4 pillar approach to my health, I had to address to areas that I was neglecting.  I had to focus on true wellbeing.

My training through the Chek systems has given me the knowledge and skillset to help my clients reach true wellbeing. It is through my experiences of my own pain and healing that I am able to truly relate and come up with the best approach for each individual’s journey in creating their own healing process, and reaching their full potential.

Start your journey TO HOLISTIC HEALTH